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Success Stories

Testimonial Insurance for Health Insurance

I was working in an oil industry company when my father, Alejandro Rosas, got cancer. As my dependent, my father was covered by a health insurance policy, so he decided to contact the insurance company for assistance with his treatment.


My father called my company’s Human Resources department and the person who answered his call suggested that he contact Interesse who was the company’s broker of record.


Interesse was immediately informed, presented his case and was contacted by Osvaldo Torres, Partner of the Firm. Osvaldo listened carefully and offered help. We never thought this task would last more than a year. Many surgeries were timely scheduled and many medical expense refunds dully processed.


What started out as counseling soon became a friendship and a supportive and caring relationship. They offered my father the assistance he needed, treated him humanely and allowed him to dedicate himself to recovering his health and not to worrying about receiving the service he deserved.


Unfortunately, the disease defeated my father. Days before he left, my father asked us to see Osvaldo so that we could personally thank him for everything he had done for him and our family. Osvaldo visited him and they were able to close an insurance service with a big hug in the hospital bed.


In saying goodbye, my father said to Osvaldo the following words:”I will be your broker in heaven” and promised to take care of him and help him from above, just as he had done here on earth.

The challenge after having generated that first “excellent” impression is to confirm that they did not make a mistake and to maintain that image every day with our internal and external clients, which will not only make our work easier, but also ensure that we remain in the portfolio.